Thursday, June 4, 2009

Tutorial four and five: Video production sessions

In this tutorial students looked at how to develop a storyboard and use scripting to create a video and then edit and upload the video onto you tube.

YouTube is a video sharing website where users can upload, view and share video clips.
Retrieved on 5th of June 2009 from
You tube allows anybody to create an account with gmail and then join up with youtube. From there you can view millions of videos uploaded from around the world whether it is music, people's points of view, current affairs, educational and the list goes on. Just about anything can be found on youtube and just like blogs there is also a community where members view videos and comment on them just as you can do to others.
To view other peoples videos one must type in a name or key word and the search engine will bring up anything relevant. To upload your own video you just follow the easy steps which include naming and tagging it so that other people can find it.
To view the video that our student group uploaded to youtube you can find it on this blog in a previous post.

When creating our video we looked at two things in particular and these were scripting and storyboarding.

Scripting is a useful tool when creating a video whether it is verbal or not as it helps to create a theme, story line and structure. Our theme was based around over coming adversity so we brainstormed ideas abound this and then scripted our story which would be told within our video.

Storyboarding was also a useful tool when creating our video as it enabled us to plan the shots we would use. Storyboarding gets you to think about how the video be visually by drawing the pictures you want to have in it in the correct sequence.
It also creates flow when filming as the shooting is pre planned and ready to go.
Task Four (Blog Posting): Provide a brief summary of the services offered by YouTube. Information can be drawn from the week five tutorial hand out.

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