Search online for a community which interests you, making sure you select a community that comprises some form of online forum, discussion page or chatroom.
Provide the web address and the name of the community you are investigating:
The focus of this community was originally for students at Havard university to get to know eah other, however over time it expanded to other universities then schools and is now a global social networking site. Users can join networks organised by workplaces, city, region, and school to connect and interact with others.
This community is based on interaction with others. Every memeber has their own page, where they can add photos,videos, update people on what they are doing and comment on friends pages. Along with this they can join fan groups and clubs aswell as take quizzes and even play online poker. With all of these of these items to play around with facebook truly is a social networking site.
After considering the material presented to us in class I beleive people contribute to this community because it is a way to keep in touch with old and new friends close to them and faraway aswell as also being able to share with others what they are doing which is an important aspect for most. Along with this I feel people contribute because of the many different ways they can keep in touch, for example chat, look at photos or simply see what their update is saying. People who join facebook are seeking entertainment, companionship and a way to express themselves at the touch of a button. For me personally being a member of facebook I contribute for the interaction I can have with friends accross New Zealand.
Here is an example of a conversation between two students chatting about their work
im glad ur hard at work too!
3:22pm "Sarah"
you bet im going hard or going home! no slacking aroung here old pal
3:22pm "Jeane"
hah good girl! im even at the lib!!
3:24pm "Sarah"
nice job hopefully see you in the weekend!
Allthough facebook is a great tool it does however come with some danger and ethical issues. Here are some for example:
-People having access to your personal details
-Sexual predators
- The essence of anonymity: Who are you really talking to?
-The uploading of photos of oneself on someone else page without your permission.
All of these however can be kept in check if you are sensible and follow the facebook guidelines provided on the website.
The benefits the website along with other social networking sites over traditional methods of communities are things such as being able to share and communicate over distance(From one side of the world to the other) Also for those with less confidence it gives them a less upfront way of making friends. Another benefit is that you can be in the community instantly by logging on and is very time efficient.
However after all of the positives stated it is important to remember that these sites do not replace traditional communities completely and lack some benefits of these. Such as not building any personal skill as the communicating is not a challenging on these sites. Face to face contact is also lost and often messages can be misread as there is no body language, tone of voice or facials to read. Finally some people can get to involved and lose touch with the real world and their real lives losing out on physical relationsips and what the real world has to offer.